Local Solutions

Introducing Our AIMS...

Skills Programme

By working closely with young people and gaining insight into the challenges they face, we have developed a bespoke skills programme designed to empower them with essential life skills and support their personal development.

The 5 Strands

Who Are They For?

The AIMS Skills Programme books are the ultimate resource for organisations working with young people aged 16-24. These expertly crafted materials are designed to help young individuals develop essential life skills, boost their employability, and build lasting confidence, equipping them for the journey to independence and success in adulthood.

Whether you’re a school/college, youth organisation or community programme, the AIMS Skills Programme provides a structured approach to nurturing the talents and potential of the talents and potential of young people, ensuring they’re ready to face life’s challenges and thrive in their chosen paths.

Does this apply to you?

How Do I Access Them?

Each course contains multiple modules which young people work through with their Mentor both individually and, where appropriate, in group settings.
Each course is available as hard or digital copies.


All AIMS Skills Programme courses are available as hard or digital copies.

If you, or an organisation that you work for, would like to find out more about the AIMS Skills Programme contact: